Evergreen Court Art Show

451 O'Connell St, North Bend, OR 97459
The Evergreen Court show is an annual tradition that is open only to the current BAAA Members. There is no entry fee.
This year we will be offering the added bonus of selling our members’ art online on the BAAA Website. There will be a 10% commission if your art sells online. Art NOT for sale will NOT be posted on the website.
Artists are limited to 3 pieces of art.
Registrations can be submitted by downloading this entry form, filling it out and emailing it to: ngraham@nicartgallery.com by March 19th. If you would like to have your art displayed online please note you will also need to attach a digital picture of each of your submissions. (Pictures do not need to be high quality. Pics taken with your smart phone are fine.)
IF you cannot submit your entry form by March 19th, AND YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR ART SOLD ONLINE, you may drop off your art and fill out an entry form on the day of installation, Apr 2nd.
We hope that you will be able to participate!
Evergreen Court Independent Senior Living
451 O’Connell St, North Bend, OR 97459
Apr 3rd – June 29th
Installation/Drop Off:
Sunday, Apr 2nd 12-1pm
Sunday, April 23rd 2-4pm
Take Down & Pick Up:
12pm, Friday, June 30th