Long time Bay Area Artist Association member and local artist Kim Kimerling currently has over 40 bright and beautiful pieces on display at the Black Market Gourmet in Coos Bay Oregon. Many of these pieces have been created over the course of the last year and are just now having their first public debut. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the entire new collection displayed in one venue.
Kim works in painting, pottery, printmaking, collage and recently in up-cycle books. His work is based on a multitude of cultures. Teaching art at the University of Nigeria, in Belize and the Navajo Reservation gave him ample opportunity to observe the dress, culture and customs of these very different populations.
He paints in acrylic and watercolor, combined into mixed-media collage. Most recently he has worked in printmaking, finding collagraph to fit well with mixed-media collage.

If we assume Man has common heritage and common destiny, that we are truly members of one human race, then this may be the promise that makes Kim Kimerling at home with any culture, country and age. A person once said of Kim that he went out to change the world and the world changed him and his art.
Kim's art has been exhibited in over 100 one-person shows throughout the United States, Canada, Nigeria, Mexico and Belize. He is an award winner in all the media he works in.
Kim's work can be viewed at BMG through the end of April.
Black Market Gourmet
495 Central Ave, Coos Bay, OR 97420
Viewing is available Tues - Sat 11am - 6pm, however it is strongly recommended you call or email BMG ahead of time.